Saturday, November 23, 2013

Williams Hill Day Hike

It was a warm sunny Saturday morning, a welcome change from the liquid sunshine that we had experienced for the previous week over Nairobi with the onset of the short rains.

We set off by bus to the small Italian Church on Mai Mahiu road where we were all set to start the day.

Today I want to share a few images from the trip and hike and some of the amazing views from atop the hill.

This pentagon-like shaped church is located on the busy Maai Mahiu-Rironi road and is made up of red tiles, stones, wood and even metal.

The interior has four small wooden pews, an altar with a pulpit and measures approximately 15ft x 8ft. It also has three normal doors for access. It is among the smallest churches in the world which also includes Our Lady of the Pines that accomodates 12 people and measures 12 x 12ft which is in the United States.

                                         It has colourful stained glass windows.

This signpost at the entrance/ exit of the church which indicates that it was built in 1942 by Italian prisoners of war.

 Th trail to the base of the hill was flat terrain and made for an easy walk. These acacia trees were homes to several birds as can be seen by the nests.

 I couldn't help but dip my feet in a stream as the YOLO effect took to, which is actually an acronym which I usually love to hate (post for another day).

                                               These Maasai cows were resting along the trail.

After a 10 minutes walk we came to this beautifully kept secret at the base of Williams Hill, Osotua Camp and Cottages

The rooms were neatly kept and had a nice African feel to them.

            This little kitten took a cute pose just for me!

  Then the real climb began. 
                                  A Maasai traditional homestead on the route.

                     The terrain was rocky and it took a liitle bit of getting used to at first.

               I particularly loved this shot showing how the clouds cast a shadow on the ground.

From this vantage point on the hill, I was actually viewing the Great Rift Valley Viewpoint and the cars on the highway.

I couldn't help but pose with the clouds at the top of the Hill, after all the torturous climb to the top had earned me the bragging rights. Oftentimes its easy to forget how difficult the climb to the top is once you're there and its time for lunch.

On the way downhill, we took the longer but less steep route which was reeaaallly long.

              To wrap it up, I had to take a shot of this tree.It was so picturesque.

Happy with the results, it was time to officially end the trip. I was extremely exhausted but happy. 

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